•   Phone: +92-992-412801 | +92-992-384647

Students Life

Welcome to TAMEER-I-WATTAN Public School & College Abbottabad, a nationally recognized institute providing academic excellence, and a vibrant community of scholars and learners committed to serve the nation and the humanity across the world.

Student Code of Conduct

Felicitating you and the student for such a glorious opportunity to build a future in great TAMEER-I-WATTAN, may we implore you to kindly note the following for strict compliance please:

  1. No migration will be admissible for Scholarship students, in case of migration students will have to pay full fee for the previous session.
  2. The student will be expected to strictly adhere with the college code of conduct.
  3. He/She will ensure high status of punctuality in the morning and will not leave the school/college premises before the classes are over.
  4. He/She will be expected to attend the school/college in a meticulous dress/ uniform to feel pride to be a Tameerian.
  5. He/She will demonstrate the highest moral standard while dealing the fellow students or faculty.
  6. The student will not be a part of undisciplined gangs in or outside of the college.
  7. The student will not take part in sectarian or other activities.
  8. The students will keep away from drugs or any other kind of addiction.
  9. The student will keep away from unfair means during all board and local exams.
  10. The student will ensure to clear the college dues will in time.
  11. It will be the responsibility of parents/ students to submit all the required documents along with the admission form within a month after admission.
  12. Student will not be allowed to attend class with incomplete bag, incomplete and improper uniform, improper haircut for boys(compulsory cadet cut for students class 1st to 10th and compulsory regulat cut for college students).
  13. Students are not allowed to come to school/college with bald head(for boys only).
  14. Assiging of sections to the students will be purely on merit and according to policy of school/college and there will be no alteration on the request of parents.


Beard students are not allowed to keep ‘FRENCH BEARD”. Such student’s either to shave the French beard or leave the school/college accordingly.

Important Note:

May we remind you once again that any violation of the aforesaid cited code of conduct may lure a strict disciplinary action including the termination of the student or his/her disqualification to appear in the board exams.

Examination Rules & Regulations

At the beginning of the session, the academic calender with approximate dates of terms/phase with their tests/examination, long weekends, winter and summer vacations etc is announced. The following rules should be observed for tests/examination.

  1. The examination papers shall normally be set and marked by the subject teachers.
  2. Students with less than 80% attendance in a course will not be allowed to take the examination.
  3. Students from class P.G to Class 8th failing to score less than 60% marks in annual examination will be considered as fail and not promoted to next class.
  4. For Board classes students failing to score 60% in detention examination will not be allowed to promote to appear in annual board examination.
  5. Students will be fined and struck off due to absentees in exams(Phase/terminal/annual) and institution will not re-schedule the papers in which he/she is absent.
  6. Irregularity in winter camp(Revision test/exams)will lead to strict action by administrative authorities including migration from institution, heavy fines and cancellation of scholarship.

All courses taken by a student will be shown on his/her transcript including those of Failure or Repetition.

Grading Procedure

The equivalent of percent marks, letter grades and grade points shall be as Follows.

Grade % of Marks Remarks
A+ 80% + Outstanding
A 70% - 80% Excellent
B 60% - 70% Very Good
C 50% - 60% Good
D 40% - 50% Fair
E Below 40% & min pass mks Satisfactory

All courses taken by a student will be shown on his/her transcript including those of Failure or Repetition.


Re admission for boarder/day scholars may be allowed at the discretion of board of Governors on payment of re admission charges settled by administration authorities.Under no circumstance will a second re admission be allowed in one academic year.


A written request for withdrawing a student must reach the office well in advance i-e about a month in case of Boarders, and not less than ten days in case of Day Scholars. The school/college leaving certificate will be issued only after all the school/college dues including canteen etc, have been cleared. In case of a day scholar/day boarder, full fee for the month, and in the case of a boarder, full fee for the quarter during which the withdrawal takes place or student's name is struck off, will have to be paid. Applications for withdrawal at the end of the academic year must be submitted latest by the day the annual examination results are announced. Once a student's name has been transferred to the rolls for the next year, fee for the month of March in case of a Day Boarder / Day Scholar and for the 1st quarter in the case of Boarder, becomes payable and the school/college leaving certificate will be issued only after the same, along with the other outstanding dues, which have been met.


For withdrawal on academic and disciplinary grounds, following policy is strictly followed:


  1. Continuous Failing in Monthly/Terminal exams/Send-up exam.
  2. Failing in One subject in Annual Examination will be liable to detention.
  3. If already a detainee and fails again in one subject in Annual Examination.
  4. Failing in any subject or securing 'C’ or lesser grades in SSC Part-1 Board Examination.
  5. Failing in any subject or securing 'C' or lesser grades in SSC Part-2 Board Examination.
  6. Failing in any subject or securing 'C' or lesser grades in HSSC Part-1 Board Examination.
  7. For Non-Board Classes in annual examination, will be liable to detain from school or repeat same class scoring less than 60% marks.
  8. Board class failures in terminal and send-up exam may either repeat the class or be withdrawn on academic grounds.
  9. Absenting in exams(Phase/terminal/detention/annual)
  10. Irregularity in winter camps.
  11. Irregularity in academic session.


  1. Cheating in exams or in any other form.
  2. Committing theft.
  3. Grave immoral conduct.
  4. Smoking.
  5. Physical violence or attempt there of resulting in injury or having the potential to cause serious injury.
  6. Repetitive /prolonged absence (without leave) or bunking form classes.
  7. Bunking from school/college premises.
  8. Any immoral/undesirable/unbecoming conducts, while on leave.
  9. Willful/serious damage to school/college property.
  10. Instigating other students or acting as kind of ringleader to violated/undermine the college policies/rules/orders wherein good order and discipline of the institution is threatened/ compromised.
  11. Any collective/group activity which is illegal / unauthorized and tends to undermine/compromise the good atmosphere of the college/state of discipline.
  12. Possession/use of drugs/intoxicants and weapons/knives etc.
  13. Any other act which is dishonorable and below the expected standards of conduct of a tameerian.
  14. Involving in agitation or instigating other students to agitate/go on strike.
  15. Misbehave with other students, teachers and administrative members inside or outside the school/college.


Major Offences:

Warning along with a fine upto Rs. 5000/- and parents call may be executed on Red slip for committing following offenses:

  1. Disobedience of legal orders of the School/College/House Appointments.
  2. Disfiguring or damaging the school/College property.
  3. Lending or borrowing money/possessing extra money other than sanctioned.
  4. Visiting ‘Out of Bound' places.
  5. Arriving late after leave / weekends etc.
  6. Possessing Undesirable printed material.
  7. Keeping Mobile Phones (These, if confiscated, will be destroyed publicly).
Minor Offences:

Warning along with a fine upto 1000/- and parents call may be executed on Observation slip for committing following offences:

  1. Improper dress/haircut. Late coming to the College.
  2. Poor class Room/Dining Hall behaviour.
  3. Irregular in home assignments.
  4. Irregular / poor attendance in the classes/games/functions.
  5. Throwing rubbish in the college area.
  6. Possessing following unauthorized items: Musical instruments, radio, walkman, video games, MP- 3, electric appliances, valuables etc.

Late Fee

Students who fail to pay their fees on due date are fined as follows.

  1. Asum of Rs. 50/- per day is charged as late fee from the Boarders till the last day of the quarter i.e. 10th March, 10th June, 10th September and 10th December for 1st , 2nd , 3rd and 4th quarters respectively.
  2. In case of the Day Boarders and day Scholars, the fee must be paid by the 5th of every month, after which a late fee fine of Rs 20/- per day will be charged till the end of the month, after which the student's name will be struck off the school/college rolls.
  3. On no account a student's name can be kept on the school/college rolls, if his/her fee remains unpaid even after the above dates. Re-admission will be on discretion of the Principal end and payment of re-admission fine.

Co-Curricular Grooming

Realizing the same from last your college has established a separate directorate under a senior professor as director tutorials and co-curricular wing. Last year English/Urdu declamation were held. The Iqbal day was celebrated where the students proved their skills to sing the Kalam-e-Iqbal in such a way that audience seemed enchanted.


Please note that a student, who is admitted as Boarder/Day Boarder, is not subsequently allowed to shift over to Day Scholar at least for two years, because there are separate seats as well as selection criteria for admission to both the school/college. Change of seat from one to the other is not possible for at least one study session for board classes(9th to 2nd Year) and for juniors (Ist to 8th) for one year. Anyone who does not want to continue as a Boarder or Day Boarder in spite of the 2-years restriction will automatically stand withdrawn from the school/college on receipt of application for the change.

Pocket Money

Students up to class V are not allowed to have any cash with them, nor may they be given any money by their parents/visitors. A sum of Rs.1000/- per term or Rs. 5000/- per annum should be deposited with the House Master/Mistress. They are allowed to make purchases out of this account twice a week under the supervision of the school staff, Money orders are NOT accepted. Students in higher classes i.e. class VI up ward, should deposit the cash with their House Master and get it from him, Whenever required. The House Master will maintain a separate account for each student and deposit the entire amount in the pocket money account of their house, or may receive it through visitor's money orders. They are allowed to keep an account with the school canteen but may not spend more than Rs. 150/- per month. It is the school/college responsibility to ensure that the school canteen supply things of good quality and charges reasonable rates.


Every Boarder is persuaded to write at least one letter every week to his parents/guardian on their present address given in the admission form, any change in address should be communicated to the school/college by the parents / guardians, in writing at their earliest convenience. They are also advised to write to the children quite frequently all their letters should be replied as promptly as possible. Official correspondence is also made on this address. The school/college welcomes at least occasional letters from the parents/guardians enquiring into the health welfare and progress of their children/wards. It is in the best interest of the students if there is a regular contact between the school/college and parents in this.


Parents/Guardians of Boarders can contact to concerning housemasters on their official number 24/7 regarding the academics and others issues of their children. Parents / Guardians of day scholars can contact regarding any complaints to the below given numbers.

Boys Wing Abbottabad:
Tel: 0992-412801 upto 412820
Cell: 0333-0551003, 0333-0551004

Girls Wing Abbottabad:
Tel: 0992-384647 - 384648
Cell: 0333-0551015, 0333-0551016

Boys Wing Mansehra:
Tel: 0997-440052 - 440053
Cell: 0333-0551005, 0333-0551095

Girls Wing Mansehra:
Tel: 0997-440237 - 440238
Cell: 0333-0551090, 0333-0551091

Helpline 24/7:
Cell: 0300-2084854 - 0341-2666333
Cell: 0342-2666333, 0343-2666333


It will be the responsibility of the parents/guardians to arrange safe journey for their sons/wards for going home and coming back to the College at the beginning and end of breaks/holidays. However, where possible, the college may arrange journey by rail/road/air of the students in groups on behalf of the parents/guardians. The School/College will adopt all possible measures for the safety of the Students during their stay at the College Campus. However, the College shall not be held responsible for any kind of accidents/mishaps causing any kind of physical harm or injury.

Parent-Teacher Meetings

It is a pristine fact that good working relationship between parents and teachers is one of the strong pillars on which an educational institute stands for the achievement of academic excellence.
It is needless to say that the first learning institute for a child is a mother’s lap whereas; a teacher not only flourishes the mind but also uplifts a child spiritually. therefore, the combination of parents and teacher’s edification for the child reaches to the climax of understanding and development.
Keeping in mind the importance of parents-teachers role TAMEER-I-WATTAN Public School & College conducts parents Teachers meetings on regular basis.


Punctuality is the backbone of any field of life; achievement and accomplishment is the product of regularity. Observing the gravity of the major offence of missing the classes, the education code, as well as the Board's Calendar (BISE Abbottabad) have laid down that a student who has less than 75 % of possible attendance, counted from the date of the commencement of the academic session, or the date of his/her admission to the school/college, in case of new admission, may not be allowed to take the annual examination. Therefore, we consider that complete class attendance is primary to learning and punctuality is the bedrock of discipline. On our part, the School and College have taken further strict measures to curb absenteeism. These measures are as follows.

  1. Attendance is recorded once in a day after morning assembly, at the end of first period.
  2. Leave for absence has to be applied for in advance writing and application should be written in ink and duly signed by parents/guardian.
  3. Application for medical must be delivered personally by the parent/guardian to eliminate the chances of malingering.
  4. Medical Leave of 6 days will be acceptable, recommended by authorized government medical officer.
  5. Students absenting themselves without valid reason for (3) or more (than 3) consective or random days will be issued warning letters.
  6. Students absenting themselves without valid reasons for (6) or more than (6) consecutive or random days will be issued struck off letters and will have to seek re-admission.
  7. Absenting from terminal/phase exams will not be entertained as a case of re-exam and as all terms/phases contribute to the core of final exam, thus the absence from any exam would substantially decrease the chances of passing at the end of year.
  8. Students of board classes(9th to 2nd Year) who remains absent from terminal/phase/detention exams will not be allowed to appear in annual board examination.
  9. A fine of Rs.100/- per day is levied for absence without leave and Rs.100/- per day may b imposed for absence immediately after and before the vacations/holidays.
  10. Absentee in any exam during year will lead to charge of Rs 1000/- fine per paper.
  11. Late comer will be fined Rs.100 per day and casual students will be fined heavily and will be given warning letters leading to expulsion from school/college.
  12. Telephonic information about the leave will be entertained only in case of emergency.

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