Punctuality is the backbone of any field of life; achievement and accomplishment is
the product of regularity. Observing the gravity of the major offence of missing
the classes, the education code, as well as the Board's Calendar (BISE Abbottabad)
have laid down that a student who has less than 75 % of possible attendance,
counted from the date of the commencement of the academic session, or the date of
his/her admission to the school, in case of new admission, may not be allowed to
take the annual examination. Therefore, we consider that complete class attendance
is primary to learning and punctuality is the bedrock of discipline. On our part,
the School and College have taken further strict measures to curb absenteeism.
These measures are as follows.
- Attendance in class is recorded twice a day in the morning assembly and then after the recess. Leave for absence has to be applied for in advance writing and the application, written in ink, should be duly signed by the parent/guardian.
- Application for medical must be delivered personally by the parent/guardian to eliminate the chances of malingering.
- Name of boys absenting themselves without valid reason for three (3) consecutive days or a broken period of five (5) days or more in one half of a term are liable to be struck off the school/ college rolls and will have to seek re-admission.
- In the process of readmission, the student may also miss the Mid-term or End-term exam. As per our new marking system, the marks of each of the four exam in a session will now contribute to the core of the final exam thus, the absence from anyone exam would substantially decrease the chances of passing at the end of the year.
- Students of college sections who remains frequently absent from the class, during the term will not be allowed to continue their studies in the college and their Admission form will be with drawn and the student will not be allowed to take the examination.
- A fine of Rs. 50/- per day is levied for absence without leave in case of Day Boarder/ Day Scholar , and Rs. 100/- per may be imposed for absence immediately after the vacation/holidays and in case of college students any day of the year.
- Late comer will be fine Rs. 100 per day & casual student will be fined heavily and will be given warning letters leading to expulsion from the school/ college.
- After the three warning letters the student will be expelled from the college/School on the disciplinary grounds showing the irregularity in the attendance.
- Telephonic information about the leave will be entertained only in case of emergency.