•   Phone: +92-992-412801 | +92-992-384647

Fee Structure

The day scholars pay fee on monthly basis according to the fee structure of institution. In case of the Boarding School, the fee is required to be paid on yearly basis. But for the convenience of the parents these are charged, on quarterly basis in advance. The last dates for payment of the fee without fine are

1st quarter

10th February

2nd quarter

10th May

3rd quarter

10th August

4th quarter

10th November


  1. A boarder, who joins late, has to pay full fee for the quarter during which he joins, as well as 20% of the total fee for all the months of the academic year for which he/she has not paid in his/her previous school. A student, who has not attended any school/college from the beginning of the year shall be charged full tuition fee for the entire year, as per govt rules.
  2. For Board classes, the students have to pay the school fees (Boarders / Day scholars and Day Boarders) until the last month/quarter in which his/her name remains in the school /college rolls, including all the examination days and practical.
  3. Fee, once paid, including those paid in advance, are not refundable, except Security amount.
  4. Additional, amount of Rs. 200/- is charged from students who take up computers as science subject or as a hobby.
  5. Boarding charges include tuition, but exclude clothing, traveling, medicines, dry cleaning, haircut, Dhobi charges, test Books, Stationary, Heating, Examination Fee, Extra School charges etc
  6. It is compulsory for day scholar students to deposit fee before 5th of every month fee deficience of two and more months will not be allowed to attend school until fee deposited. Must communicate accounts office in case of any delay.
  7. In case of boarder students it is compulsory for parents to submit fee as per quarter schedule given by school/college administration. There is no question of remission in fee for the periods when the institution is closed.
  8. Winter Camp charges will be applicable(for boarder students only)

All the above fee are subject to revision with increment of 10% annually according to rules and regulations of PSRA.


Concessions in fees are.

  1. The BOG, at his discretion, and that too in very special cases, may allow full or part fee concession to any student of the school/college.
  2. No concession in the fee is allowed for any period of absence due to any reason. For this purpose, a student will be deemed to have attended the school even if he/she is physically not present in the class till such time that he/she is not withdrawn.
  3. There will be 20% fee concession in sibling's case.
  4. Students will be entertained only with one type of concession during session.


Students who fail to pay their fees on due date are fined as follows.

  1. A sum of Rs. 50/- per day is charged as late fee from the Boarders till the last day of the quarter i.e. 10th March, 10th June, 10th September and 10th December for 1st , 2nd , 3rd and 4th quarters respectively
  2. In case of the Day Boarders and day Scholars, the fee must be paid by the 5th of every month, after which a late fee fine of Rs 20/- per day will be charged till the end of the month, after which the student's name will be struck off the school/college rolls.

c. On no account a student's name can be kept on the school/college rolls, if his/her fee remains unpaid even after the above dates. Re-admission will be on discretion of the Principal end and payment of re-admission fine.


Payment must be made in Pakistani Rupees or equivalent foreign currency calculated on the value of the date of receipt. The fees must be remitted through the safest and faster means as follows.

  1. The fee will be remitted to the Principal through a crossed bank draft in favour of the payee's only. Cheques are not accepted. Fee may also be paid in cash to the Allied Bank Bara Tower Branch, Abbottabad, Allied Bank Punjab Chowk Branch, Mansehra. But it may not be remitted through money order.
  2. It will be the parent's own responsibility to obtain a proper receipt, particularly for the cash payment by bank. When remitting the fee through post, the student's name, class and the quarter for which the fee is being paid, must be mentioned in the covering letter or on the reverse of Bank Draft.

Account Section (Boys Wing Abbottabad)

0992-412801 | 0992-412802

Account Section (Girls Wing Abbottabad)

0992-384647 | 0992-384648

Account Section (Boys Wing Mansehra)

0997-440052 | 0997-440053

Account Section (Girls Wing Mansehra)

0997-440237 | 0997-440238


Students up to class V are not allowed to have any cash with them, nor may they be given any money by their parents/visitors. A sum of Rs.1000/- per term or Rs. 5000/- per annum should be deposited with the House Master/Mistress. They are allowed to make purchases out of this account twice a week under the supervision of the school staff, Money orders are NOT accepted.
Students in higher classes i.e. class VI up ward, should deposit the cash with their House Master and get it from him, whenever required. The House Master will maintain a separate account for each student and deposit the entire amount in the pocket money account of their house, or may receive it through visitor's money orders. They are allowed to keep an account with the school canteen but may not spend more than Rs. 150/- per month. It is the school/college responsibility to ensure that the school canteen supply things of good quality and charges reasonable rates.

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